Mega Driver - Action Metal

Upload By Cronos

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Megadriver is a Brazilian heavy metal band devoted to videogame music, the creators of GAME METAL.

Track list
01 - Push Start Button (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
02 - Intro - Shinobi's Long Distance (Revenge of the shinobi)
03 - Stage 1 - Hedgehog Metal (Sonic)
04 - Stage 2 - Mighty Hiryu (Strider)
05 - Stage 3 - Hard Road (Super Hang On)
06 - Stage 4 - Rise From Your Grave (Altered Beast)
07 - Bonus Stage (Shadow Dancer)
08 - Stage 5 - Syndicate Headquarters (Streets Of Rage)
09 - Stage 6 - Battle Field (Golden Axe)
10 - Stage 7 - Battle Of Ravaged Village (Golden Axe 2)
11 - Stage 8 - The Arena (Golden Axe 2)
12 - Stage 9 - Final Strike (After Burner)
13 - Ending (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
14 - Bonus Track - Ninja Gaiden (Ninja Gaiden)

==>Informations sur l'upload<==
-Hébergement : Megaupload
-Compresser avec : Winrar
-Taille : 49.48 Mo

Mot de passe : isospsx
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Âge: 41
Enregistré le: Mar 31 Mai 2011 20:48
Genre: Homme

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