Xenogears Remixed : Humans + Gears

by Xeno-Krelian

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Xenogears Remixed : Humans + Gears


CD 1

1. Quickening (Faraway Promise)
2. Of Sea and Fire (Bonds of Sea and Fire)
3. Shattered Dreams (Shattering Egg of Dreams)
4. Cybernetic Love (lost... Broken Shards)
5. When the Smoke Clears (The Treasure Which Cannot Be Stolen)
6. Ship of Emotion and Song (Flight / Emotions / Ship of Regret and Sleep)
7. Take Flight (Wings)
8. The Last Fatima (Aveh, the Ancient Dance)
9. Echoes (Shevat, the Wind Is Calling)
10. My Child (In a Dark Sleep.....)
11. The Treasure That Must Be Seduced (The Treasure Which Cannot Be Stolen)
12. In Joy and Sorrow (The Sky, the Clouds, and You)
13. New Day (Singing of the Gentle Wind / Flight)
14. Welcome to the Human Race (Stage of Death)
15. First Meeting - The Shadowed Forest (Forest of the Black Moon)
16. Akkadia Rising (Solo Sax Edit) [Awakening]
17. A Trace of Tears (STARS OF TEARS)

CD 2

1. Zeno Paradox (Light from the Netherworlds)
2. Daijiru (Too Hot for Clothes) [Dazil, City of Burning Sands]
3. Crash / Restore (Emotions)
4. Dreamscape (Leftovers of the Dreams of the Strong)
5. Wounded Soldier (The Wounded Shall Advance Into the Light)
6. Smooth Criminals (Invasion)
7. Sleeper Dreamer [Back to Sleep (Long Version)]
8. Omen (R3 Mix) [Omen]
9. Akkadia Rising (Awakening)
10. Devil Flare (Knight of Fire)
11. Binary Chain (Bonds of Sea and Fire)
12. October Rain (October Mermaid)
13. Of God and Man (Grahf, Emperor of Darkness)
14. Dogma (One Who Bares Fangs at God)
15. Defective (The One Who Is Torn Apart)
16. Shit on Citan (Thames, Man of the Sea)

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Enregistré le: Sam 4 Juin 2011 14:39
Genre: Homme

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