Lost Odyssey

by Cronos

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Lost Odyssey

Messagepar Cronos » Jeu 29 Sep 2011 04:24


01 - Prologue
02 - Battlefield
03 - Fire Above the Battle
04 - Stopping Blow
05 - Immortal Life
06 - Wohl Highlands
07 - Battle Conditions
08 - Victory
09 - The Capital of Uhra
10 - Neverending Journey
11 - Epsylon Range
12 - Sad Tortan
13 - Gangara's Plot
14 - An Enemy Appears!
15 - World of Ice
16 - March to War
17 - Crisis & Warning
18 - White Depot Ship
19 - Eclipse Of Time (Harp Version)
20 - Numara Palace
21 - The Capital of Numara
22 - Small Recollections
23 - Kelelon Forest
24 - A Mighty Enemy Appears!
25 - Parting Forever
26 - A Return, Indeed... (Piano Version)
27 - Flashback
28 - Invasion
29 - A Sign of Hope
30 - Theme of Pirates
31 - Yosolo
32 - Tosca Village
33 - House of the Witch

01 - A Return, Indeed... (Vocal Version)
02 - The Mysterious Machine of the Demons
03 - Escape!
04 - Saman, Town of Merchants
05 - The Capital of Gohtza
06 - Demons Invasion
07 - The Man Possessed by the Demons
08 - Decision
09 - Blizzard Field
10 - What You Are (Guitar Version)
11 - Battle with the Demons
12 - The Wanderer of Darkness
13 - Ruins of the East
14 - Dark Saint
15 - Large Cruise
16 - Interval of Dimensions
17 - Distorted Space
18 - Roar of the Departed Souls
19 - Theme of Seth
20 - Light of Blessing ~ A Letter
21 - What You Are (Vocal Version)
22 - Main Theme
23 - Eclipse Of Time (Vocal Version)

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