THE KING OF FIGHTERS'95 - Original Soundtrack

by Cronos

Retrouvez ici les musiques de vos jeux favoris .

01 - K.O.F '95 (Title)
02 - Akuma no Select (Game select)
03 - Nutao no Select (Team select)
04 - FUNKY ESAKA (Nihon Stage)
05 - Spring of this World (Victory Demo)
06 - Prisoner (Korea Stage)
07 - DESERT REQUIEM (Middle East Stage)
08 - Dora Shudders (China Stage)
09 - CLUB-M ~Blue Sky Flute~ (Mediterranean Sea Stage)
10 - Ryuuko and Ken ~To Sway a Man's Heart~ (America Stage)
11 - Chi wo Hou BASE (England Stage)
12 - Saxophone Storm (America Stage)
13 - Weeping R - Rose D (Rugal Demo 1, 2, 3)
14 - Hal, Bass and Melody (Last Boss Stage 1)
15 - Praise for Rugal (Rugal Appearance Demo)
16 - Guitar, Omega and Rugal (Last Boss Stage 2)
17 - Rugal Elimination (Rugal Elimination Demo)
18 - Kid (Ending 1)
19 - Goodbye Mr.Tear (Ending 2)
20 - Farewell! Youth (Ending 3)
21 - The Sunset Sky Part VI ~ Liebe (Staff Roll)
22 - Yokubou no Uzu (Game Over)
23 - Kusanagi Kyo, Nikaido Benimaru, Daimon Goro (Voice)
24 - Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard , Joe Higashi (Voice)
25 - Ryô Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Takuma Sakazaki (Voice)
26 - Heidern, Ralph, Clark (Voice)
27 - Asamiya Athena, Sie Kensou, Chin Gentsai (Voice)
28 - Kim Kaphwan, Choi Bounge, Chang Koehan (Voice)
29 - King, Shiranui Mai, Yuri Sakazaki (Voice)
30 - Yagami Iori, Billy Kane,Eiji Kisaragi (Voice)
31 - Kusanagi !! (Voice)
32 - Omega Rugal (Voice)
33 - etc.Voice
34 - S.E. Collection I
35 - S.E. Collection II

==>Informations sur l'upload<==
-Hébergement : Megaupload
-Compresser avec : Winrar
-Taille : 44.13 MB

Mot de passe : isospsx
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