L'Incroyable Hulk OST

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L'Incroyable Hulk OST


Disc 1
"The Arctic" (2:47)
"Main Title" (2:39)
"Rocinha Favela" (3:11)
"A Drop of Blood" (1:35)
"The Flower" (2:49)
"Ross' Team" (1:33)
"Mr. Blue" (1:03)
"Favela Escape" (3:35)
"It Was Banner" (1:32)
"That Is the Target" (5:34)
"Bruce Goes Home" (1:25)
"Ross and Blonsky" (3:15)
"Return to Culver University" (2:39)
"The Lab" (1:17)
"Reunion" (3:37)
"The Data/The Vial" (1:20)
"They're Here" (3:07)
"Give Him Everything You've Got" (6:08)
"Bruce Can't Stay" (1:54)
"First Injection" (1:03)
"Is It Safe?" (1:07)
"Hulk Theme" (3:59)
[edit]Disc 2
"Saved from the Flames" (0:53)
"Grotto" (2:53)
"Arrival at the Motel" (1:48)
"I Can't" (2:15)
"Abomination Alley" (3:56)
"Bruce Found" (2:52)
"Bruce Looks for the Data"(1:05)
"NYC Cab Ride" (1:17)
"The Mirror" (1:17)
"Sterns' Lab" (4:17)
"Bruce Darted" (3:00)
"I Want It, I Need It" (1:36)
"Blonsky Transforms" (1:16)
"Bruce Must Do It" (2:11)
"Harlem Brawl" (3:51)
"Are They Dead?" (2:40)
"Hulk Smash" (2:25)
"Hulk and Betty" (1:50)
"A Tear" (1:01)
"Who's We?" (0:56)
"The Necklace" (1:44)
"Bruce and Betty" (5:06)
"Hulk Theme (End Credits)" (3:59)

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