Mario and Zelda Big Band Live CD

Upload By Xeno-Krelian

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Mario and Zelda Big Band Live CD


01 - opening theme of Mario
02 - Super Mario 64
03 - Medley of Super Mario Bros
04 - Mario Scat version
05 - go go Mario
06 - Super Mario 3 ending theme
07 - Yoshi island theme of athletic
08 - Yoshi on the beach
09 - The Legend of Zelda the wind waker title theme
10 - Dragon roost island
11 - song of epona
12 - theme of Dolphic town
13 - the zora band
14 - theme of goron city
15 - theme of the shop
16 - The Legend of Zelda
17 - ending theme of Super Mario Sunshine
18 - encore (slider)

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