[OST]Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 : Little Princess

Upload By Ahriman

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..::OST Little Princess::..


ImageTracklist :

01 - Little Princess ~ Main Theme
02 - Princess Kururu
03 - Marl's Lane
04 - Wonderful World
05 - Daydream
06 - A Tomboy Princess
07 - Starting Over
08 - Because We Are Always Together
09 - Winged Boy
10 - The Way of Making Good Soft Cream
11 - Mothergreen
12 - Let's Go Walking ~ Etoile's Love
13 - It's...the Front of the Back?
14 - A Customer's Here!
15 - Kururu's Memories
16 - Evil Queen
17 - Puppet Crisis
18 - The Karkanskys and the Baknekoffs
19 - Rosen Queenland
20 - The Little Princess' Decision ~ Sending My Thoughts into Eternity
21 - Hysteric Ceremony
22 - We are the Witch-Tribe
23 - Eyes of the Princess
24 - First Love
25 - Uru-uru Kururu
26 - Under the Rule of the Soldier
27 - Sky-Palace of the Witches
28 - The Law of the Noble Flower
29 - Last Dance
30 - The Little Princess' Decision ~ So That Thoughts May Be Handed Down Through Generations

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Enregistré le: Mar 31 Mai 2011 20:48
Genre: Homme

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