Motoi Sakuraba Live Concert

Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile | Upload By Blood

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Motoi Sakuraba Live Concert Star Ocean & Valkyrie Profile




1. The Dawn of Wisdom

2. Unfinished Battle With God Syndrome

3. Fly Away in the Violet Sky

4. Reflected Moon

5. Hand to Hand

6. Requiem to a Predicament ~ Falling Under Negative Consciousness ~

7. March for Glory

8. Theme of RENA ~ Drum Solo ~ Bass Solo ~


1. Highbrow

2. So Alone, Be Sorrow

3. Mission to the Deep Space

4. Confidence in the domination

5. Cutting Edge of Notion

6. Doorway to Heaven

7. STAR OCEAN FOREVER ~ The Incarnation of Devil ~ The Dawn of Wisdom

Bonus Track

8. Motoi Sakuraba PIANO Solo

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